Calculation tool for the energy demand and the cost prediction in building energetic renovation

Building energetic renovation

2024/04/12 by

Sharing of a tool and a corresponding data bank from a master thesis work to calculate the energy demand and the cost prediction in building energetic renovation.

In Germany, many houses built before the first thermal insulation regulations in 1979 are inadequately insulated. With energetic retrofits, up to 80 percent of the energy requirement could be saved. In the master thesis written by Mr. Aaron Duncan at Institute KGBauko, relevant measures regarding this matter were examined based on several criteria.

Within the scope of the work, a tool and its corresponding databank were built based on relevant data and calculation formulas. They allow for an easy development of multiple scenarios for energy-efficient retrofits based on a given building, as per the users' preference. The scenarios cover the common measures such as an improvement of the thermal envelope, upgrading of the heating and warm water provision system and the integration of a PV-system. Alongside the measure selection, instant results are provided for the anticipated energy consumption as well as the cost and amortization prediction.

To make the working results accessible to those in need, we would like to share the tool and its data bank under this link. By using, sharing and adapting, please pay attention to the credit and the corresponding license given below.

Download Calculation Tool

This work was created by Aaron Duncan at the Institute of Constructive Design and Building Construction (KGBauko), TU Darmstadt, 2023. This work © 2023 is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, please visit