SFB 666

The way to these products leads first of all via the substitution of existing, similar application areas which can now be produced or realized more effectively. In addition, it has shown that completely novel products with comprehensive new market potentials are to be expected because of the modifications of the planning and production processes to be expected.

The subproject D2 “Systematic generation of surface structures by application of the information model” that is researched by KGBauko was thus the logical expansion of the special research area 666 for the second phase. Here, it is examined in particular how the positive properties of integral sheet metal design with higher order bifurcation can be used systematically in marketable products.

Aspects of systems building form the basis for the distribution into individual component elements that are necessary because of manufacturing and infrastructural restrictions. These are combined into component family of identical figure and manufacturing principles. At the example of substituted and innovative component drafts, dimensional Demonstrator models are elaborated considering individual component demands and optimized geometries. Modular construction systems are developed that are supposed to facilitate a systematic generation of surface structures by combination of corresponding basic bodies.


  Name Contact
Prof. Stefan Schäfer
+49 6151 16-21381
L5|06 330
Former Scientific Staff and Non-scientific Staff
Dipl.-Ing. Scholeh Abedini
Collaborative Research Center 666

Further information

Associated research topics

A1: Transformation of market demands in product qualities

A2: Mathematical models and algorithms for the automated product development of dimensional and bifurcated sheet components

A4: Development of modeling functions for dimensional components

A6: Simulation-based optimization procedures for the deep drawing of bifurcated sheet components

B3: Machining at the coil material by high speed processing

B4: Production of bifurcated components by integrated transforming, machining and joining operations

B5: Deep drawing of bifurcated sheet metals

C3: Computer-assisted component optimization through numeric process string analysis and numeric durability investigations

D2: D2: Systematic generation of surface structures using the information model


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